Your Kindle E-Book and George Orwell

Your a cutting edge person an aspirational buyer or you’re strapped for space. We live in a class A RV and we don’t have enough space so we buy paperback instead of hardcover books.

A Kindle would be a nice thing to have. My husband Lynn reads free e-books on his computer screen me not so much so. I need to hold a book in my hands.

Amazon retains the right to remove books that you have purchased for your Kindle from your Kindle. Amazon has done so. Amazon has removed books from “out of zone” Kindle e-book readers when a user purchased their Kindle in another country in order to purchase books that are either more expensive or unavailable in the home country of the user. With the offer of s discount for a new in-country Kindle.

What’s this got to do with a dead writer?

In 1949 George Orwell’s vision of a dystopian future, 1984, was published. Before television became commonplace Mr. Orwell envisioned a future of flat screen television with built in cameras and two-way communication. He coined several words that aren’t as well known today as they should be today. Newspeak is my personal favorite.

But what has George Orwell, a fiction novel about a dystopian future have to do with e-books?

Winston? The protagonist of 1984? What is his job?

Editing the database of books and newspapers to match the current needs of the government.

What is another word George Orwell used? Big Brother. Big Brother is used in 1984 to describe an overarching police state where all information is controlled by guess who? The government.

If your book only exists as a file in a database how hard is it to change what your book is trying to tell you?

About Art

55 years old. By training, ability and experience I am a master toolmaker. My most recent projects include designing and building a process to grind a G rotor pump shaft with four diameters and holding all four diameters within plus or minus 4 microns of nominal. This was an automated process using two centerless grinders refitted to my specifications using automatic load and unload machines plus automatic feedback gauging. I also designed and built an inspection machine to check for the presence and size of a straight knurl on a hinge pin using a vision system for non-contact gauging.
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