Memorial Day 2021
I had plans. I had things to do and places to go. And a Studebaker in need of tender loving care. As is my way, a holiday is a good day to stay home and catch up on work, so I started out for my morning walk with Duke the Dog. He bolted after a cat. I wasn’t awake yet and I fumbled the hand over over his leash, but I had a good grip when he reached the end at 25′ and off my feet I came. And down I came stopping my fall with my face on the corner of a BCI Group 24 Gel-Cell battery.
Injury sustained? A Crushed Eye Injury and an Orbital Wall Fracture.
I have more than a passing acquaintance with concussions. I take blood thinners. The Insurance Company didn’t think that “close following was warranted.” And the hospitals were full of patients who “couldn’t possibly be sick from the SARS COV-2 Virus because everybody knows it’s a hoax.”
So I caught a ride over to Meadows-Memorial in Vidalia, where the onions come from, and there I was asked if I had driven myself in, we have a history, then the emergency room team politely threw up their hands and I caught a ride in an ambulance to Memorial University Medical Center in Savannah, Georgia where I was assured I’d be much more comfortable. In Savannah I got the good news, just as the portable x-ray machine arrived, that I as a Class-3 trauma, was going to be set aside because (4) Class-1 traumas were arriving. It’s always a good thing to be told that you can wait; never a good thing to be moved to the head of the line in hospital.
Thirty-six hours later I was kicked to the curb. Now please keep in mind I’m still concussed. I had just been examined by an eye doctor who impressed me by showing up with a bright light and a magnifying glass. He dilated my eye, pried open the eye lid and had me look up, down, left, right, upper right, upper left, lower left, lower right and pronounced me fit to go home. So I did when any rational person would do, I called up my husband, told him, ordered him, to get into an uncertain car he’s never driven before, drive at night to a city he’s never been to, find a hospital he doesn’t even know the name of and bring me home. Lynn did what any rational person would do: he crashed the car into the front of our motorhome.
I took an Uber home.