It’s now June and I finally have time to put together this note for you. I really feel that it’s important to know the type of people that you work with and I give you this information to draw your own conclusions.
At the beginning of May I made an agreement with UUCM member Paul Doolittle, someone I’d known through church for a decade and a man who had a reputation for honest dealing, I made an agreement with Paul to sell Lynn’s stuff and settle Lynn’s debt with Paul. Paul’s part was to provide a place to work, an internet connection and help with the moving and packing of Lynn’s stuff as I sold it. At this time I was into my 6th month of recover from a hemiarthroplasty on my right shoulder that involved a stem style device because I had shattered the humeral head of my right arm in October. I had some use of my right arm at that time but not full use.
After moving Lynn’s stuff onto Paul’s farm and not seeing a work space to internet connection along with the substandard storage of approximately $50,000 worth of technical antiques I asked Paul “What’s up?” Paul’s reply was “We have decided that the original plan wasn’t going to work.” I don’t know who “We” was but I do know that I never would have agreed to move Lynn’s stuff onto Paul’s farm if I had know this was to be the situation. I would have taken my chances at the storage locker auction and accepted what money was surplus to the storage fees.
But I continued to try and do the right thing by settling Lynn’s debt.