Speaker Boehner!

“The minority party needs to sit down and shut up!”

No matter who says this it certainly ain’t the way to build a consensus.

Shutting down the government until you can eliminate legislation that has already been passed and signed into law isn’t governing, it’s blackmail. Just the same as when a strong union of employees hold up their employer to unreasonable demands.

You and your party need to come back from the edge of the cliff. The GOP’s public discourse has become more and more unreasoned even crazy. Our form of government takes into account the will of the people being governed and is designed to prevent a very few from imposing their own will on the majority. Give the treasury the ability to continue paying for the stuff you’ve already bought including that off the books war you waged, go home and take a close hard look in the mirror. Then look at real world accounting and start picking ideas that really work.

About Art

55 years old. By training, ability and experience I am a master toolmaker. My most recent projects include designing and building a process to grind a G rotor pump shaft with four diameters and holding all four diameters within plus or minus 4 microns of nominal. This was an automated process using two centerless grinders refitted to my specifications using automatic load and unload machines plus automatic feedback gauging. I also designed and built an inspection machine to check for the presence and size of a straight knurl on a hinge pin using a vision system for non-contact gauging.
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