New Hampshire GOP Representative in the News

It is my opinion that people don’t really think about what they are reading, that for too many years people haven’t been challenged to think about what is really being said by the speaker or writer and I call it reading between the lines.

New Hampshire State Representative Stella Tremblay a sterling example of the Grand Old Part of the Republic and the thoroughly vetted republican representative of Auburn, NH said this on a syndicated radio talk show:

“My first reaction to seeing the horror of that person who had the legs blown off … was that he was not in shock,” Tremblay reportedly said during a broadcast of the Pete Santilli Show on the Guerrilla Media Network on Tuesday. “And I looked, and I thought, ‘There’s something. I don’t know what’s wrong,’ but it seemed surreal to me … He was not in shock. He was not in pain. If I had had those types of injuries, I would be screaming in agony.” By Michael Rosenfield, WBZ-TV New Hampshire Bureau Chief

I don’t think she’s praising Jeff Bauman’s stamina. I think that she is saying that Mr. Bauman, a man who took the time to give a statement to investigators before being taken to the hospital, didn’t really lose his legs.

Stella Tremblay claimed on the Glen Beck Facebook page that the April 15th bombing, near the finish line to the Boston marathon, was a United States government plot with some nefarious political goal.

We live in an age of instant communication. I sit here in my local Market Basket supermarket stretching a cup of coffee and using their WiFi connection and I have access to research material I couldn’t have accessed after traveling hundred of mile and all at my fingertips. Yet you elect people to public office who don’t bother with reality as in Stella Tremblay’s case regarding Jeff Bauman, you elect public representatives that believe in governance by supernatural beings and you believe that you have your own personal angel watching over you.

What is wrong with you.

I’ve been in painful life-threatening situations. My life has nearly ended three times now, not that I’m counting and my last serious injury was in October of 2010 when I tripped over a lawnmower in the dark and fractured the head of my humerus on my right side. I can tell you that it was extremely painful but I did manage to untangle myself from the lawnmower and walk to the house for help. It wasn’t fun and I had a long night in the emergency room. I can imagine what Mr. Bauman was feeling like and appreciate the risk he took by waiting to talk to investigators to pass on what information he had regarding the bombing.

And here in New Hampshire we have another proud member of the Republican party claiming that Mr. Bauman didn’t really suffer severe injuries because of the bomb blast and Stella Tremblay can start with certainty that Jeff Bauman is not the type of person that we should all try to be, Stella Tremblay says that Jeff Bauman, a man who through no fault of his own now has to learn to live life as a double amputee, is a fraud.

Way to go Auburn, NH. Way to go Representative Stella Tremblay, R-Auburn. Way to go Grand Old Party of the Republic.

About Art

55 years old. By training, ability and experience I am a master toolmaker. My most recent projects include designing and building a process to grind a G rotor pump shaft with four diameters and holding all four diameters within plus or minus 4 microns of nominal. This was an automated process using two centerless grinders refitted to my specifications using automatic load and unload machines plus automatic feedback gauging. I also designed and built an inspection machine to check for the presence and size of a straight knurl on a hinge pin using a vision system for non-contact gauging.
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